
Distinguo online, session 3
Čvn 15 @ 16:00 – 18:00
Distinguo online, session 3

Session “Visualisations”
• Visualizing distinctiones: a comparative view
Ayelet Even-Ezra (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
• Distinctiones and visual representations in Hugh of Saint-Cher’s postils on Ezekiel
Véronique Rouchon (Univrsité Lyon 2)

Anyone interested, please register with Marjorie Burghart at .

The Central Archives of the Religious Orders (Workshop) v Rome
Čvn 22 – Čvn 26 celý den
The Central Archives of the Religious Orders (Workshop) @ Rome

The Florentine Institute (  is organizing a summer seminar on how to access and use the  archives of the regular orders and their relations with global Catholicism and global missionary history.

This seminar follows the successful path traced by the first seminar, which was held on the third week of January 2020 and which was focused on the Archives of the Holy See. The seminar, which will include a series of lectures and visits to the archives, will be held 22nd-26th June 2020 in Rome.

Deadline for application: 31st March 2020.

Flyer (.pdf)

Distinguo online, session 4
Čvn 22 @ 16:00 – 18:00
Distinguo online, session 4

Session “Distinctiones and preaching”
• Hispanic Distinctiones: three examples
Oriol Catalán Casanova (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
• Preaching with Peter – Textual aids for preachers in Petrus Capuanus’s Alphabetum in artem sermocinandi
Tuija Ainonen (Merton College/Bodleian Libraries, Oxford)

Anyone interested, please register with Marjorie Burghart at .

CANCELLED. HANS:ON – Digital training programme for humanities postgraduates v Cambridge
Čvn 29 – Čvc 3 celý den
CANCELLED. HANS:ON - Digital training programme for humanities postgraduates @ Cambridge

Date: 29 June – 3 July 2020.

HANDS:ON is a unique digital training programme for advanced students in the humanities.  Organised by Cambridge University Library and Queen Mary University of London, it provides  students with practical experience in digital methods, technologies, design and collaboration. The theme for 2020 is ‘miniatures’, and students will be working with Tudor portrait miniatures at the Fitzwilliam Museum (Cambridge), liaising with scientists, developers, conservators and curators.

Applications are now open for students from participating institutions.  Apply via Application deadline is 17:00 (GMT) 4 March 2020.   Applicants would be notified by 13 March.


Distinguo online, session 5
Čvn 29 @ 16:00 – 18:00
Distinguo online, session 5

Session “Distinctiones and other genres”
• Dicta Chrysostomi and Distinctiones
Ilya Dines (Library of Congress, Washington)
• Distinctiones in the Castilian Crown through the miracles of Santo Domingo de Silos and the Virgin of Guadalupe during the 13th and 15th centuries
Juan Manuel Carmona Peres (U. of Sevilla)
• Les distinctions, un intermédiaire entre les encyclopédies et les sermons ?
Sophie Delmas (CIHAM – Lyon)

Anyone interested, please register with Marjorie Burghart at .

Letní konference UNCE v Hlavní budova FF UK, m. 217
Zář 21 celý den
Letní konference UNCE @ Hlavní budova FF UK, m. 217

Konferenci pořádá klasickofilologická sekce. Pozvánku naleznete zde.

Healing Places in the Ancient and Medieval World (International Symposium) v 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
Zář 22 – Zář 25 celý den
Healing Places in the Ancient and Medieval World (International Symposium) @ 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague

This symposium, the sixth in the series of collaborations, aims to bring together scholars of different disciplines and specialisations who are interested in the formation and evolution of places or spaces for healing in the prehistoric, ancient and mediaeval worlds, their relations with the religious and rational spheres and also how we are able to identify them today from the archaeological, osteological and textual record.
Discussion will be led by three or four invited keynote speakers.

Offers of papers, posters and workshops and provisional requests to participate should be sent to the email address by 15th March 2020.

See the First Circular Healing for more information.

ONLINE CONFERENCE: Rhythm in Music and the Arts in the Late Middle Ages v Prague, Vila Lanna
Lis 16 – Lis 18 celý den
ONLINE CONFERENCE: Rhythm in Music and the Arts in the Late Middle Ages @ Prague, Vila Lanna

The conference „Rhythm in Music and the Arts in the Late Middle Ages“ is organised by the Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences,
in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague within the project Old Myths, New Facts: Czech Music in the Centre of 15th–Century Music Developments.

Participants from musicology, art history, cultural history, medieval philology are invited to submit paper proposals of no more than 300 words for 20-minute papers to the conference address

Submission deadline: May 17, 2020

More information (.pdf)

Poster and programme

Zimní konference UNCE v Online
Led 27 celý den
Zimní konference UNCE @ Online

Konference bude probíhat online v prostředí MS Teams.

Za všechny seniory všechny zájemce srdecne zvou
Lucie Doležalová a Jan Čermák

Odkaz na MS Teams


Beware of False Prophets: The Contest over Prophecy in the Late Middle Ages
Úno 17 @ 11:00
Beware of False Prophets: The Contest over Prophecy in the Late Middle Ages

The Institute for Advanced Study at CEU is pleased to invite you to its next seminar entitled Beware of False Prophets: The Contest over Prophecy in the Late Middle Ages. The talk will be delivered online by Frances Courtney Kneupper, Senior Core Fellow at IAS CEU.

Please RSVP Agnes Bendik at to receive the zoom link.


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