How to write an effective academic CV and research proposal? How do you tailor your interests to fit a particular program and institution? How do you frame and integrate your interdisciplinary background?
In these workshops, we will discuss the dos and don’ts of preparing CVs and proposals for graduate and postgraduate fellowships in Europe and North America. Please send your application materials to my e-mail, bring them to the workshop, or just come with your ideas.
I am Karolina Koziura, a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. In 2023, I completed my doctorate studies at The New School for Social Research in New York City. I was a visiting fellow at the University of Konstanz, the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, and the Open Society Archives in Budapest. I have published in, among other places, Memory Studies, the European Journal of Sociology, East European Politics, Societies, and Culture.
Please register for the workshop here.
Send your questions and materials to my email:
- December 9, 10:50 and 14:10
- December 10, 10:50
- December 11, 10:50
- December 12, 10:50 and 14:10
Always at Týmová studovna, nám. Jana Palacha 2, souterrain (within the library)
If you are interested in the workshop and these times do not suit you, please, do get in touch – I am available also at other times in December 9–12 and am happy to meet you. (The workshop is supported by the EUI Widening Europe Programme.)
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