Luciano Micali

Research Areas:
History of Medieval Philosophy and Late Scholasticism, Critical Editions and Manuscript Studies, Medieval Mysticism, Latin Translations of Vernacular Mystical Texts, Medieval Heresies,
Augustine, Jean Gerson, Heymericus de Campo and the Albertist School

I am currently a PostDoc researcher at the Faculty of Arts, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, and I carry out a research about the reception of Jean Gerson’s works in Bohemia between the council of Constance and the end of the XV century. I earned my Ph.D. degree in Philosophy at the University of Freiburg (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Maarten Hoenen and the cosupervision of Prof. Dr. Loris Sturlese. My doctoral dissertation consisted in the first critical edition, with an introductory study, of the Millelogicon, a late work of the philosopher and theologian Heymericus de Campo (1395-1460). During my Ph.D. I carried out also some teaching activity and provided academic talks in several international congresses and meetings. My research approach is interdisciplinary and can be placed at the crossroad of history of medieval thought, medieval philology and manuscript studies.

Title of my Research Project
Jean Gerson in Bohemia. The Reception of Jean Gerson’s Works and his Legacy in the Frame of the
Hussite Affaire

Abstract of the Research Project
The research aims to reconstruct the circulation of the works of the French theologian Jean Gerson (1363-1429) and his legacy in Bohemia between the Council of Constance (1414-1418) and the end of the 15th century. As one of the most influential figures in the theological landscape of the Late Middle Ages, the Parisian Chancellor enjoyed a great authority and his works were copied in an impressive amount of manuscripts already during his life and shortly after his death. Being the main reference point of the communis schola theologicae veritatis of Paris, he took actively part to the main theological debates of his time and, above all, he played a substantial role in the preparation of academic censures and heresy dossiers. Acting as a doctrinal censor, Gerson furiously criticized Jerome of Prague and John Hus in treatises, letters and through his influence during the Council of Constance; his activity considerably contributed to the condemnation and to the death of the two Bohemian theologians.
My project would in particular undertake two research lines: 1. the reception, circulation and selection of Gerson’s works in Bohemia; 2. the perception of the theological and philosophical legacy of the Parisian Chancellor on the basis of how and in which contexts his works were used in the Bohemian cultural landscape of the 15th century. The analysis would be quantitative and qualitative and hinged in the frame of the Hussite affaire.

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