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Polish Comes Piotr Wlostowic – Grand Lord from Silesia, Famous Adventurer and Lover, Statesman Ending his Career Punished with Blinding, Benefactor of the Church – and his Legend in Medieval and Post-Medieval Sources Including Lost Carmen Mauri
Polish Comes Piotr Wlostowic – Grand Lord from Silesia, Famous Adventurer and Lover, Statesman Ending his Career Punished with Blinding, Benefactor of the Church – and his Legend in Medieval and Post-Medieval Sources Including Lost Carmen Mauri
v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Dub 5 @ 17:30 – 19:00
![]() Polish scholar Leszek Słupecki (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski) will speak about the spectacular and adventurous life of Polish knight Piotr Wlostowic († 1153). The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle[...]
Preserving and Transforming Sound Memories (workshop)
Preserving and Transforming Sound Memories (workshop)
v Klášter dominikánů, refektář, Dominikánská 8
Dub 10 @ 16:30
![]() Workshop Preserving and Transforming Sound Memories se uskuteční v rámci projektu HERA. Součástí workshopu budou živě interpretované hudební ukázky. (Odkaz na Facebook zde).
A Founder of a Holy Dynasty: Through the Secular and Saintly Eyes of his Sons: A Comparative Consideration of Two Biographies of Stefan Nemanja, the Founder of the Serbian Medieval State
A Founder of a Holy Dynasty: Through the Secular and Saintly Eyes of his Sons: A Comparative Consideration of Two Biographies of Stefan Nemanja, the Founder of the Serbian Medieval State
v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Dub 12 @ 17:30 – 19:00
![]() Serbian scholar Slavica Rankovic will compare two lives of Stefan Nemanja, the Grand Prince of Serbia and challenger of Byzantine Emperors, written by two of his sons: Stefan the First-crowned, the first Serbian king and[...]
A Saint: Holy Lives. How you Make a Saint?
A Saint: Holy Lives. How you Make a Saint?
v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Dub 19 @ 17:30 – 19:00
![]() Famous Austrian medievist Rudolf Simek (*1954) from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn will speak about the constitution of the lives of the medieval saints. The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the[...]
A Villain: The Growth of the Biography of Dismas and Gesmas in Medieval Sources
A Villain: The Growth of the Biography of Dismas and Gesmas in Medieval Sources
v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Dub 26 @ 17:30 – 19:00
![]() German medievist and germanist Wilhelm Heizmann (Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München) will speak about the constitution of lives of the two prototypic villains of the European Middle Ages: Dismas and Gesmas, the two thieves on the Cross. The[...]
Call for Papers dealine: ESTS 2018
Call for Papers dealine: ESTS 2018
Dub 30 celý den
![]() Call for papers for the Fifteenth annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship closes. For more information about the conference, visit the conference website.