Lecturer: Sakari Katajamäki, Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki
A part of the lecture series Medieval Conflicts and Contrasts: Metaphors
Lecturer: Philip Polcar, University of Vienna
A part of the lecture series Medieval Conflicts and Contrasts: Metaphors
Lecturer: Marek Thue Kretschmer, University of Trondheim
A part of the lecture series Medieval Conflicts and Contrasts: Metaphors
Lecturer: Christiania Whitehead, University of Warwick
A part of the lecture series Medieval Conflicts and Contrasts: Metaphors
Jste srdečně zváni na přednášku doc. Martina Nodla (CMS) Jak znormalizovat českou medievistiku.
Přednáška je součástí jednoho z bloků pracovního setkání Normalizace humanitních věd v Československu (1969-1989), které se uskuteční 14.-15. října 2019. Kompletní program zde.
Session “Defining the genre”
• Distinctions in the Late Middle Ages: Exempla and the Habit of Distinguishing
Kimberley Rivers (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh)
• Le Liber distinctionum super Psalterium d’Eudes de Châteauroux. Un recueil de distinctiones ?
Franco Morenzoni (U. of Geneva)
• The genre of Master Mathias of Sweden’s (d. c. 1350) Alphabetum distinccionum: a combination of a concordance and distinctions
Sanna M. Suponen (U. of Helsinki)
Anyone interested, please register with Marjorie Burghart at medieval.distinctiones@gmail.com .
Project presentation
• Distinguo, a knowledge base for the study of distinctiones
Marjorie Burghart (CNRS)
Session “Conforming (or not) to prescriptions of the artes”
• “Predicare est arborizare”. The mnemotechnic tradition of preaching thanks to tree structured distinctiones
Naïs Virenque (U. of Tours and CEFRES USR 3138, Prague)
• Tales autem fac distincciones. The role of distinctions (and the lack of it) in the treatise Aurissa of Iacobus de Saraponte
Jan Odstrcilik (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
Anyone interested, please register with Marjorie Burghart at medieval.distinctiones@gmail.com .
Session “Visualisations”
• Visualizing distinctiones: a comparative view
Ayelet Even-Ezra (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
• Distinctiones and visual representations in Hugh of Saint-Cher’s postils on Ezekiel
Véronique Rouchon (Univrsité Lyon 2)
Anyone interested, please register with Marjorie Burghart at medieval.distinctiones@gmail.com .
Session “Distinctiones and preaching”
• Hispanic Distinctiones: three examples
Oriol Catalán Casanova (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
• Preaching with Peter – Textual aids for preachers in Petrus Capuanus’s Alphabetum in artem sermocinandi
Tuija Ainonen (Merton College/Bodleian Libraries, Oxford)
Anyone interested, please register with Marjorie Burghart at medieval.distinctiones@gmail.com .
Session “Distinctiones and other genres”
• Dicta Chrysostomi and Distinctiones
Ilya Dines (Library of Congress, Washington)
• Distinctiones in the Castilian Crown through the miracles of Santo Domingo de Silos and the Virgin of Guadalupe during the 13th and 15th centuries
Juan Manuel Carmona Peres (U. of Sevilla)
• Les distinctions, un intermédiaire entre les encyclopédies et les sermons ?
Sophie Delmas (CIHAM – Lyon)
Anyone interested, please register with Marjorie Burghart at medieval.distinctiones@gmail.com .