
A Saint: Holy Lives. How you Make a Saint? v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Dub 19 @ 17:30 – 19:00
A Saint: Holy Lives. How you Make a Saint? @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Famous Austrian medievist Rudolf Simek (*1954) from Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn will speak about the constitution of the lives of the medieval saints.

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors from foreign universities.

A Villain: The Growth of the Biography of Dismas and Gesmas in Medieval Sources v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Dub 26 @ 17:30 – 19:00
A Villain: The Growth of the Biography of Dismas and Gesmas in Medieval Sources @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

German medievist and germanist Wilhelm Heizmann (Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München) will speak about the constitution of lives of the two prototypic villains of the European Middle Ages: Dismas and Gesmas, the two thieves on the Cross.

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors from foreign universities.

Call for Papers dealine: ESTS 2018
Dub 30 celý den
Call for Papers dealine: ESTS 2018

Call for papers for the Fifteenth annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship closes.

For more information about the conference, visit the conference website.

Jesus: The Late Medieval Lives of Christ v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Kvě 3 @ 17:30 – 19:00
Jesus: The Late Medieval Lives of Christ @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Hungarian scholar David Falvay (ELTE Budapest) will speak about the late medieval lives of Christ and evaluate them as reflections of the medieval Christian piety.

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors from foreign universities.

A Jewish Jesus: Sorcerer, Rebel, or Pious Fool? Jewish Narratives about Jesus and Their Medieval Afterlives v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Kvě 10 @ 17:30 – 19:00
A Jewish Jesus: Sorcerer, Rebel, or Pious Fool? Jewish Narratives about Jesus and Their Medieval Afterlives @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Young Czech Hebraist Milan Žonca (Charles University, Prague) will speak about spectacular, scurrile and blasphemous Jewish medieval narratives about the life of Jesus Christ

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors from foreign universities.

A Dark Hero: Tronege Hagen and the Sinister Thread of the Middle High German Nibelungenlied v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Kvě 17 @ 17:30 – 19:00
A Dark Hero: Tronege Hagen and the Sinister Thread of the Middle High German Nibelungenlied @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Young German scholar Florian Deichl (Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München) will speak about the sinister figure of Hagen in the German medieval Song of the Nibelungs and try to uncover the origins of the human fascinations by so called “dark heroes”

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors from foreign universities.

Letní konference Univerzitního centra pro studium antické a středověké myšlenkové tradice
Zář 25 celý den
Letní konference UNCE v Hlavní budova FF UK, m. 217
Zář 21 celý den
Letní konference UNCE @ Hlavní budova FF UK, m. 217

Konferenci pořádá klasickofilologická sekce. Pozvánku naleznete zde.

Zimní konference UNCE v Online
Led 27 celý den
Zimní konference UNCE @ Online

Konference bude probíhat online v prostředí MS Teams.

Za všechny seniory všechny zájemce srdecne zvou
Lucie Doležalová a Jan Čermák

Odkaz na MS Teams


Medievistické zasedání Pražského lingvistického kroužku
Dub 12 @ 18:00
Medievistické zasedání Pražského lingvistického kroužku

Zasedání se bude konat online. Tématem je Pruština v dílech vzdělancù u dvora Karla IV. a v husitské Praze. Přednáška člena PLK Ilji Lemeškina zprostředkuje českým posluchařům část jeho knihy Lituanica aliter (2019), která ůvodně vyšla litevsky.


Lithuanica aliter (recense)

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