Winter term 2019-20

Medieval Paleography I – Early Book Scripts AGLV00010 Greti Dinkova-Bruun (PIMS Toronto) 4.11., 6.11., 8.11., 11.11., 13.11. and 15.11., 8:00-11:00
Me and the World … Autobiography in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

(IS code for Erasmus students, programme)

PhDr. Jiří Starý, Ph.D. čtvrtek 17:30-19:00, FF UK main building, m. 319
Material and symbolic culture in late medieval and early modern Europe (MA students, BA students) Jakub Sawicki, Dr. Tuesday, 9:10-12:20, Celetná 20, room 211
Anna Tropia, Ph.D.
Daniele De Santis, Ph.D.
Thursday, 14:10-15.40, FF main building, room 225V
The Passions of the Soum. Descartes vs Thomas Aquinas (BA module + Erasmus) Anna Tropia, Ph.D. Thursday, 9:10-10.40, FF main building, room 218


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