Elizabeth Solopova: An Invisible Giant: The Study and Editing of the Wycliffite Bible

Srdečně zveme na přednášku Elizabeth Solopové z Oxfordské univerzity o překladu bible do střední angličtiny známém spojovaném se známým teologem Janem Viklefem.

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The Wycliffite Bible is the first complete translation of the Vulgate in English produced at the end of the 14th century by the followers of the reformist theologian John Wyclif. Its authorship remains unclear, but it is almost certainly the work of multiple academic translators, probably based in Oxford. It survives in over 250 manuscripts and is the most widely disseminated and arguably the most complex of all medieval English texts. Despite its importance as a literary work and an outstanding achievement of medieval biblical scholarship, the Wycliffite Bible remains little explored by modern research. The lecture will outline the main aspects of the Bible and its early history: its manuscript and textual tradition, methods used in translation and its revision, and influence on contemporary literary works, and medieval and early modern tradition of biblical translation. The lecture will report on recent advances in the study of the Wycliffite Bible, including work on a new edition undertaken at Oxford University.


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