
Peter John Olivi. Cognition as direct access to things themselves (Professor Robert Pasnau) v Falculty of Arts, main building, room 225
Říj 31 @ 14:10 – 15:50

The dpeartment of Philosophy and Religiou studies FF UK invites you to the lecture delivered by professor Robert Pasnau (Boulder, Colorado):

31st October 2019, 14:10-15:50 (as part of Dr. Santis and Dr. Tropia’s class)

Peter John Olivi. Cognition as direct access to things themselves


The Self-Harmer: (Auto-)Biography and Self-Flagellation: Henry Suso’s Vita as a Guide to Finding One’s Own Cross v Faculty of Arts, room P319
Říj 31 @ 17:30 – 19:00
The Self-Harmer: (Auto-)Biography and Self-Flagellation: Henry Suso's Vita as a Guide to Finding One's Own Cross @ Faculty of Arts, room P319

Lecturer: Jan Hon (Berkeley).


Henry Suso’s Vita narrates the life of a „Servant of Eternal Wisdom“ as a path from the state of sin to the state of „Gelassenheit“ (composure/serenity/“let-it-be-ness“) and unity with God. What makes this text unique even in the context of late medieval mysticism is its autobiographical impetus. Though narrated in the third person, the text uses a number of strategies to link the narrative to the historical figure of Henry Suso. That, in turn, makes the hagiographical tone of the account a notably risky endeavor: how can one authorize his own life, filled with self-induced suffering, as an imitatio Christi and, at the same time, present it as an example to be followed by others? The talk will discuss this tension between hagio-graphy and auto-bio-graphy along with the medial strategies in both the manuscript and the print transmissions employed to provide the audience with spiritual participation in the servant’s (self-)torturous way to God.

The lecture is a part of the series Me and the World … Autobiography in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.

The Path from Ancient Egoism to Medieval Altruism (Proffesor Robert Pasnau) v Faculty of Arts, main building, room 225
Lis 1 @ 10:50 – 12:25
The Path from Ancient Egoism to Medieval Altruism (Proffesor Robert Pasnau) @ Faculty of Arts, main building, room 225

The dpeartment of Philosophy and Religiou studies FF UK invites you to a lecture delivered by professor Robert Pasnau (Boulder, Colorado):

The Path from Ancient Egoism to Medieval Altruism

Úvod do germanistické medievistiky a jeden necudný text z Vidnavy (Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat) v posluchárna 147 (Ústav řeckých a latinských studií, FF UK)
Lis 6 @ 12:30 – 14:05
Úvod do germanistické medievistiky a jeden necudný text z Vidnavy (Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat) @ posluchárna 147 (Ústav řeckých a latinských studií, FF UK)

Přednáška z cyklu Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat.

Přednášku pronese Mgr. et Mgr. Jiří Černý, PhD., Vlastivědné muzeum v Olomouci, Ústav germánských studií FF UP Olomouc.

Kompletní program kurzu zde.

The Mystic: Spiritual Medicine and Suffering in The Book of Margery Kempe v Faculty of Arts, room P319
Lis 7 @ 17:30 – 19:00
The Mystic: Spiritual Medicine and Suffering in The Book of Margery Kempe @ Faculty of Arts, room P319

Lecturer: Laura Elisabeth Kalas Williams (Swansea).


The Book of Margery Kempe (c. 1440) is widely considered to be the first known female autobiography in the English Language. Dictated to a number of scribes over her lifetime, the Book narrates Margery Kempe’s (b.1373; d.c.1440) spiritual conversion and her sometimes painful journey towards a holy life. This lecture will reveal the contents of a medicinal recipe that was added to the end of the only surviving manuscript by a late-fifteenth-century reader of the Book, and will explore the significance of such a medical-religious dialogue. The lecture will also consider the broader use of the Christus Medicus (Christ the Physician) motif, and the ways in which Kempe utilises such medieval understandings to achieve union with God.

The lecture is a part of the series Me and the World … Autobiography in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.

Jeleni a runy. Jak přistupovat k soliterním literárním dílům (Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat) v posluchárna 147 (Ústav řeckých a latinských studií, FF UK)
Lis 13 @ 12:30 – 14:05
Jeleni a runy. Jak přistupovat k soliterním literárním dílům (Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat) @ posluchárna 147 (Ústav řeckých a latinských studií, FF UK)

Přednáška z cyklu Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat.

Přednášku pronese PHDr. Jiří Starý, PhD., Ústav germánských studií FF UK Praha.

Kompletní program kurzu zde.

The Imprisoned: The Winner Takes it All: Leonora Christina’s Memory of Sufferings v Faculty of Arts, room P319
Lis 14 @ 17:30 – 19:00
The Imprisoned: The Winner Takes it All: Leonora Christina's Memory of Sufferings @ Faculty of Arts, room P319

Lecurer: Pernille Hermann (Aarhus).


Leonora Christina (1621-1698), the daugther of the Danish king Christian IV, spent more than two decades in prison, accused of being the accomplice of her husband, Corfitz Ulfeldt, whom was killed for high treason. From this experience grew a most fascinating autobiography, with high narrative quality and an immensely high amount of details from everyday life in prison. The lecture will introduce to Leonora Christina’s autobiographical works, it will discuss how this highborn 17th-century women created the image of a strong and righteous heroine, and how she renewed the autobiographical genre by establishing new textual dialogues. The autobiography of Leonora Christina Ulfeldt is translated into English in Memoirs of Leonora Christina (transl. F.E. Bunnett) London 1872.

The lecture is a part of the series Me and the World … Autobiography in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.

Dějepisectví středověku mezi tradičními narativy a moderními trendy (Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat) v posluchárna 147 (Ústav řeckých a latinských studií, FF UK)
Lis 20 @ 12:30 – 14:05
Dějepisectví středověku mezi tradičními narativy a moderními trendy (Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat) @ posluchárna 147 (Ústav řeckých a latinských studií, FF UK)

Přednáška z cyklu Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat.

Přednášku pronese  Mgr. Jaroslav Svátek, PhD., Ústav českých dějin FF UK Praha; CMS.

Kompletní program kurzu zde.

The Convert: Narrating the New Self: Conversion Stories as Autobiography v Faculty of Arts, room P319
Lis 21 @ 17:30 – 19:00
The Convert: Narrating the New Self: Conversion Stories as Autobiography @ Faculty of Arts, room P319

Lecturer: Ryan Szpiech (Michigan).


In this lecture, I will discuss the first-person accounts of various medieval religious converts including Hermann the Jew, Abner of Burgos, and Anselm Turmeda. I will consider how the basic form of a conversion story—from Paul and Augustine to Bunyon, Rousseau, and Joyce—lends itself to narrative drama, suggesting that autobiography is not just a portrait of the self, but a story of the self’s transformation.

The lecture is a part of the series Me and the World … Autobiography in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.

Právní medievistika (Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat) v posluchárna 147 (Ústav řeckých a latinských studií, FF UK)
Lis 27 @ 12:30 – 14:05
Právní medievistika (Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat) @ posluchárna 147 (Ústav řeckých a latinských studií, FF UK)

Přednáška z cyklu Úvod do medievistických disciplín a témat.

Přednnášku pronese PHDr. Jakub Razim, PhD. et PhD., PF MU Brno, PF UP Olomouc.

Kompletní program kurzu zde.

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