
The First Meeting of the Medieval and Early Modern Mnemonic Society v Library of the Centre for Medieval Studies, Jilská 1, 1st floor
Zář 27 – Zář 28 celý den
The First Meeting of the Medieval and Early Modern Mnemonic Society @ Library of the Centre for Medieval Studies, Jilská 1, 1st floor

You are kindly invited to The First Meeting of the Medieval and Early Modern Mnemonic Society which will take place 27th-28th September 2019 in the Library of the Centre for Medieval Studies, Jilská 1, 1st floor. The topic is Neighbours in the Landscape of Memory.


Memory – Medium – Myth: The Mnemonic Character of Old Norse-Icelandic Literature v FHS UK, room no.. 2083
Říj 10 @ 11:00
Memory – Medium – Myth: The Mnemonic Character of Old Norse-Icelandic Literature @ FHS UK, room no.. 2083

The Faculty of Humanities, Charles University  cordially invites you to the  lecture Memory – Medium – Myth: The Mnemonic Character of Old Norse-Icelandic Literature- The lecture will be delivered by Jürg Glauser (University of Zurich and University of Basel).

For further information contact: marie_nov@



Martin Nodl: Jak znormalizovat českou medievistiku (přednáška) v Akademické konferenční centrum
Říj 15 @ 13:00 – 15:00
Martin Nodl: Jak znormalizovat českou medievistiku (přednáška) @ Akademické konferenční centrum

Jste srdečně zváni na přednášku doc. Martina Nodla (CMS) Jak znormalizovat českou medievistiku.

Přednáška je součástí jednoho z bloků pracovního setkání Normalizace humanitních věd v Československu (1969-1989), které se uskuteční 14.-15. října 2019. Kompletní program zde.

Peter John Olivi. Cognition as direct access to things themselves (Professor Robert Pasnau) v Falculty of Arts, main building, room 225
Říj 31 @ 14:10 – 15:50

The dpeartment of Philosophy and Religiou studies FF UK invites you to the lecture delivered by professor Robert Pasnau (Boulder, Colorado):

31st October 2019, 14:10-15:50 (as part of Dr. Santis and Dr. Tropia’s class)

Peter John Olivi. Cognition as direct access to things themselves


The Path from Ancient Egoism to Medieval Altruism (Proffesor Robert Pasnau) v Faculty of Arts, main building, room 225
Lis 1 @ 10:50 – 12:25
The Path from Ancient Egoism to Medieval Altruism (Proffesor Robert Pasnau) @ Faculty of Arts, main building, room 225

The dpeartment of Philosophy and Religiou studies FF UK invites you to a lecture delivered by professor Robert Pasnau (Boulder, Colorado):

The Path from Ancient Egoism to Medieval Altruism

Beware of False Prophets: The Contest over Prophecy in the Late Middle Ages
Úno 17 @ 11:00
Beware of False Prophets: The Contest over Prophecy in the Late Middle Ages

The Institute for Advanced Study at CEU is pleased to invite you to its next seminar entitled Beware of False Prophets: The Contest over Prophecy in the Late Middle Ages. The talk will be delivered online by Frances Courtney Kneupper, Senior Core Fellow at IAS CEU.

Please RSVP Agnes Bendik at to receive the zoom link.


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