
František Skorina a jeho pražská Bible. Mnohojazyčné kulturní dědictví Velkoknížectví Litevského a současnost v Vlastenecký sál UK
Lis 8 @ 9:00 – Lis 9 @ 13:00
František Skorina a jeho pražská Bible. Mnohojazyčné kulturní dědictví Velkoknížectví Litevského a současnost @ Vlastenecký sál UK | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Dne 6. srpna 1517 v Praze vyšel žaltář Песни цара давыда еже словуть псалтыръ, jenž otevřel řadu 23 knih Starého zákona tištěných cyrilici. U příležitosti 500. výročí vydání se 8.-9. listopadu 2017 v prostorách Karolina a FF UK uskuteční mezinárodni lithuanistická konference František Skorina a jeho pražská Bible. Mnohojazyčné kulturní dědictví Velkoknížectví Litevského a současnost, která má připomenout význam pražských skorinian v kontextu dějin knihtisku.

Velvyslanectví Litevské republiky, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy a Pražský lingvistický kroužek zvou na zahájení mezinárodní konferenci, které se uskuteční dne 8. 11. 2017 v 9:00 ve Vlasteneckém sálu UK (Ovocný trh 3-5, 116 36 Staré Město). Konferenci doprovodi pětidílný cyklus akvarelů Францискъ Скоринъ (2017) z dílny pražského malíře Eugenа Ivanova.



Mocensko-politická prezentace a reprezentace českých králů v Lužicích a ve Slezsku (14. století – 1. polovina 17. století) v Akademické konferenční centrum
Úno 7 – Úno 8 celý den
Mocensko-politická prezentace a reprezentace českých králů v Lužicích a ve Slezsku (14. století - 1. polovina 17. století) @ Akademické konferenční centrum | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové,
srdečně Vás zveme na konferenci „Mocensko-politická prezentace a reprezentace českých králů v Lužicích a ve Slezsku (14. století – 1. polovina 17. století)“, která je již osmým pokračováním cyklu Korunní země v dějinách českého státu. Zasedání se uskuteční 7. a 8. února v prostorách Akdademického konferenčního centra.


A Bishop: Double life of Henry. Metaphor in the Finnish Legend of St. Henry of Uppsala v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Úno 22 @ 17:30 – 19:00
A Bishop: Double life of Henry. Metaphor in the Finnish Legend of St. Henry of Uppsala @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

A young Czech scholar Michal Kovář (Masaryk University Brno) will speak about the role played by metaphors in the legend about the life of the Finnish Bishop St. Henry († 1156).

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors fromforeign universities.

A celebrity: Sportsmen and Pop-Stars: The Genre of Biography in the Modern Literature v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Bře 1 @ 17:30 – Bře 2 @ 19:00
A celebrity: Sportsmen and Pop-Stars: The Genre of Biography in the Modern Literature @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Young Czech literary scholar Klára Soukupová (Charles University, Prague) will speak about the profound changes of the genre of biography in contemporary Europe and trace in how far they reflect the changes of attitude to human life in modern society.

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors fromforeign universities.

A Poet: Troubadour Biographies: From Satire to Courtly Teaching v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Bře 8 @ 17:30 – 19:00
A Poet: Troubadour Biographies: From Satire to Courtly Teaching @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Spanish scholar Miriam Cabré (Universitat de Girona) will speak about the so called Vidas, lives of famous Occitan troubadours and search for their function in medieval Occitan society.

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors fromforeign universities.

A hero: Sigurd the Dragon Slayer. Medieval Legend and Pagan Ritual v FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor)
Bře 15 @ 17:30 – 19:00
A hero: Sigurd the Dragon Slayer. Medieval Legend and Pagan Ritual @ FF UK, main building, room 319 (3rd floor) | Hlavní město Praha | Česko

Danish scholar Jens Peter Schjødt (Aarhus Universitet) will illustrate on the person of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer, one of the most famous medieval heroes, in how far the “heroic biography” was based on the so called “rites de passage“ of archaic societies.

The lecture is a part of the cycle Life and Biography in the Middle Ages.



The course aims to depict the forms and shapes of the genre of biography in the Middle Ages. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum of cultures and languages – Latin, Hebrew, Middle High German, Occitan, Old Norse or Balkan – and a full range of figures whose life medieval biography could depict: heathen and Christian kings, heroes, saints, Jesus as well as adventurers and dark heroes.

However, the course plans to offer more than an analysis and classification of biography subgenres and picturesque personalities. All the lectures should address the question of what was substantial in a human life for the medieval man, what gave it value and endowed it with meaning.

All the lectures and discussions will be in English, the lectures will be held by guest professors fromforeign universities.

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